The Higher Sports Council distinguishes the Tximist Cup as an event of public interest

Our prestigious international tournament, bringing together the world's top clubs, reaffirms its commitment to society by aligning with the values and goals of the program, which aims to boost female participation in various sports.

Integrated into the “Universo Mujer III” program, the TXIMIST CUP focuses on enhancing the competition, promoting equal communication, highlighting role models, showcasing women’s football, and advocating for gender equality in the sports industry. In this context, the FOUNDATION is actively seeking sponsors who wish to contribute to optimizing the competition, providing better conditions and resources for participants, and enhancing equal communication.
The invitation to companies committed to gender equality to support this event presents a unique opportunity, as the fiscal support for donors under the “Universo Mujer III” Program offers incentives for both companies and individuals deciding to support this outstanding initiative. These significant tax deductions not only benefit the donors but also play a crucial role in social transformation through sports.

Tximist Cup 2023 Edition

Companies deciding to support the TXIMIST FOUNDATION will experience tax benefits that facilitate public-private collaboration in sports activities and projects. This strategic partnership reflects a shared commitment to empowering women, both in sports and in society. Thus, the TXIMIST CUP consolidates itself as an event that transcends the boundaries of sports, building bridges toward equality and inclusion. The collaboration between the private sector and the foundation demonstrates the importance of working hand in hand to achieve common goals for gender equity.

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